Banking Intermediation
Have a banker talk to your banker...As simple as that!
Through our banking intermediation services we talk to your bankers directly on your behalf.
Led by our 25 years of banking experience we aim to save you time and money by making effective decisions.
Loan Restructuring
Facility Rescheduling
Credit Refinancing
Do you need your loan restructured?
Together, we first define your needs.
We then assess thoroughly your financial condition and formulate your Personal Finanancial Position
We analyse and evaluate your needs in conjuction with your financial cababilities and discuss with your bankers based on qualitative and quantitave argumentation.
Then we recommend possible alternatives that will be viable for you always based on your financial condition.
We undertake to discuss directly with your bank until we agree on the best possible and suitable restructuring plan, aiming at the same time to the best terms for you.
We just talk the banking language...
Do you need a new financing?
Banking Intermediation may be extended to setting up all the paper work and submit for you to the bank of your choice your application for a housing loan or a consumer loan or as your needs comand.
We take the role of a banker hence we assess your financial condition and strength, we identify your repayment capacity and we recomend to you the best alternatives according to your needs.
Ask us to even search for you the best possible loan alternatives in the banking market, local or international, and discuss with you until you reach a decision.
We prepare all the paperwork required by the bank and we submit the loan application on your behalf. We follow up with your banker for any additional requirements until a bank decision is issued.
Save time and money...